Wednesday 28 March 2012

Chittagong Brickpit - Bangladesh

After visiting the ship yards, we drove past one of the many brickpits. It looks like a place from 500 years ago, I guess nothing really has changed. Everything is done by hand with a big workforce. Mud is being mixed up and pressed in forms, then dried and then burnt - done is the brick. It is hard work and the workers live with their families straight along the side of the pit.
more images
This photo is not is the shape of the chimney - Bangladeshi style

Lunch break

The brick worker


  1. great shots of those workers and brik pits. gheez, that camera was worth it ;- ha just kidding, it's the photographer's eye of course that creates the magic! nice.
    Ps: it's past, not pass. drove past (sorry, that's the pedantic teacher's daughter in me. happy travels!
    looks all amazing!

    1. Thanks for the correction and yes, there are many amazing scenes to capture here. Bangladeshi's love the camera and ask to be captured.
      Interestingly it started to rain today, means that the bricks which haven't been burned would get wet and are probably waste. The workers explained me that they work in the rice paddies over the rainy season.
